01 September 2008

Some fragile tendrils of hope?

Let's begin September on a positive note.

The rowing is slowly getting easier and I'm gradually increasing my time. The other morning/daily exercises are not great but I'll keep at it and we'll see what happens. One in particular I am finding very hard - both to perform and to make myself do. Hubby could tell you exactly which it is! Walking is becoming more of a pleasure again and, while autumn hasn't quite arrived, I just need to get out each lunchtime to do bit more. Chi Kung will start again soon - that'll be another box ticked. This just leaves the gym to get back on track!

My eating patterns have been quite good, well better, over the last week or so and I will keep plugging away at making more rational choices. I'm still not really enjoying my healthy food as much as I was but at least my darling hubby's soups are helping. The stumbling block is lunch choices - they are still not really hitting the spot so I'm left unsatisfied (translate as 'hungry') and casting around for 'something nice'. Marmite helps but is rather high in salt... which leads to me drinking more water! Ho hum.

Health problems...
Hmmm, not fantastically good, but it could be a lot worse. I'm doing what I can to minimise the effects (keep telling myself its step-by-step, and in it for the long-haul), to make a little progress and very much trying not to let it get me down. This is definitely closely tied into the motivation side of things.

My attitude seems to have improved a bit and that slump of depression and negativity has loosened its grip a little. I'm trying really hard to stay positive and focused. It isn't easy but I am slowly getting back to a better outlook.

Down a little - I was 78kg this morning and that is definitely the right direction to be heading. Celebrating the little things - yippee, progress!

To give myself something to focus on... by the week beginning 20th October (seven weeks away, just in time for an anniversary celebration) I plan to be unequivocally below 12 stone. That's an aim of 75 kg or, in English, somewhere in the region of 11 stone 11 lbs. I think, with a little help from the abs cruncher, that my waist measurement should also have dropped by about one inch by then.


twenty4ten said...

Great! Just what the doctor ordered. The target is certainly achievable.

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