09 March 2010

Going home

Wow! What a difference it made going back to Chi Kung last night.

The knees behaved impeccably throughout, bless 'em. Albeit they had still swelled a bit by the end of the day, particulary the left one, but never mind. It felt like I'd come home. It was lovely to be remembered and welcomed back by the tutor and some of the long-standing class members and such a treat to slip back into a well remembered routine and not have to worry about a joint giving way at an inconvenient moment and me ending up on the floor in agony. So comfortable and comforting - I just LOVED it and, with a peaceful smile on my face, almost floated out of there at the end. An hour just shot by!

Even better in some ways, the careful body posture visualisation, the measured, calm breathing and the intense concentration on precise and repetitive movements cleared my head of the usual daily work stresses and meant I slept right through the night, with no bad dreams or 3 a.m. fretting. Bliss!

It's funny, for all I loved the salsacise sessions I think my enjoyment must always have been tempered by an underlying fear that I was pushing the joints just a bit too much. I'll miss the music and the giggles when I got it wrong... yet again, but I think the Chi Kung probably suits me better. I can't wait to go back next week.


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